Saturday, August 21, 2010

Some thought on E-GAL, Edinburgh 2009

Next things next, a brief account and a few reflections on the E-GAL event in Edinburgh on Tuesday the 17th of June. It was, as I suspected it would be, a huge pleasure to be involved in this event, not least of all because it was the first time since I returned to Edinburgh University in an official(ish) capacity since graduating almost ten years ago. More importantly, I think I am correct in saying that this is the first global administrative law event in whose organization neither NYU nor the IRPA in Rome played any role whatsoever. GAL has, of course, had to date some fairly serious institutional backing from some fairly serious institutions, and there can be no doubt that this has played a major role in its increasing prominence; however, if it is really to establish itself as a genuine field of research and study, the ideas and framework it proposes must stand or fall on their own, entirely independently of its initial institutional backers. Events such as these are a crucial next step in testing whether this is in fact possible.

And if this event is anything to go by, it is indeed possible. The organizers (Kasez Lowe, Pierre Harcourt and Danielle Rached) did a first class job of selecting the abstracts for presentation, and of inviting a good mix of those with some experience of the GAL field on one hand and those largely new to it on the other. Amongst the presentations, for example, were (excellent) contributions by Matthias Goldmann and Tiago Fidalgo de Freitas, both of whom have been involved in the GAL project for longer than I have; and, amongst professorial contributors, having the continued, challenging input of Neil Walker (who, incidentally, has a provocative new paper on postnational constitutionalism up on SSRN) was, as always, a real plus; unfortunately, Professor Janet MacLean from Dundee – another who was contributing to the GAL literature prior to my own involvement – had to pull out at the last minute due to illness. Hope she got well soon.

Many of the contributors, however, had no prior knowledge of the GAL project, and were weighing its usefulness as a frame of analysis within their own fields. It is here that GAL – if it is to flourish – must provide real traction. The various contributions provided, in my view at least, real grounds for optimism in this regard. It was also of real interest to have the input of Professor Alan Miller, Chair of the Scottish Commission for Human Rights; he sounded both interested in and cautious about the potential for GAL to drive progressive developments in his own field.

The abstracts of all of the papers are available here; for ease of reference, here is a list of the titles of presentations given:

The Added Value of Global Administrative Law by Tiago Fidalgo de Freitas, European University Institute.

GAL, Investment Law and Equality by Jarrod Hepburn, Oxford University.

Weak Judicial Review: Lessons for Global Administrative Law? by Aruna Sathanapally, Oxford University.

If I was to make one minor critical comment about the event, it was that these abstracts, and not fully fledged papers, were all that was circulated in advance; I always find it difficult, under these circumstances, to engage fully and in detail with the arguments being made – particularly when they are as advanced and as complex as they were here – and that the actual “conferring” suffers as a result. In the event, the quality of the papers and the presentations went some considerable distance to offsetting this problem; however, there is to my mind ultimately no substitute for the possibility to read the substance of the arguments to be made in detail in advance.

A quick recap of what seemed to me some of the major points, in conclusion. Professor Alan Boyle (who I think could fairly be described as a traditional-European-international-lawyer-and-GAL-sceptic) raised the issue of what he called GAL’s “lack of focus”, and suggested that this was one of the major obstacles to it achieving more widespread adherence. By this, I think he intended the fact – to which I alluded in my previous post on Viterbo – that GAL can sometimes appear (indeed, be presented) as all things to all people; as a simple catch-all under which all global governance can be subsumed, and which consequently lacks in analytical clarity and bite. There is something of a fine line that must be tread in this regard; one one hand, I can but agree: those writing in the field of GAL must have a clear idea of what the “added value” of this framework is, and not allow it simply to become a placeholder for “global governance” (Tiago’s paper did examine precisely this issue of added value, but did so with reference to the global constitutionalist and international public authority projects; it did not discuss the other side / the added value of GAL as opposed to simply “governance”). On the other hand, there has been a real effort within the GAL project – and rightly so in my view – not to be too proprietorial about the definitions of the field, in order that it might be informed by as many different perspectives as there are national administrative laws. This balance has not yet been ideally struck.

Another theme that emerged from discussions, related to the above, was the difference between the “US” and the “European” conceptions of global administrative law (as an aside, an interesting point about the sociology of GAL: the project seems to be mostly popular with international lawyers in the US, and with administrative lawyers in Europe, where most international lawyers remain skeptical. This can be seen even in the two major institutional backers of the GAL project: the Institute for International Law and Justice at NYU and the Institute for Research on Public Administration in Rome). A useful distinction was introduced in a working paper by David Dyzenhaus to encapsulate this: administrative law can, he argued, be either “constitutive” (i.e. the actual rules establishing administrative bodies, delineating powers within them, etc.), “procedural” (i.e. the rules by which these bodies operate) or “substantive” (i.e. the norms, regulations and decisions that they actually produce). The US vision of GAL is limited fairly strictly to the second, procedural form (mirroring largely the limitations on the discipline of administrative law within the US academy); the European version, on the other hand, explicitly includes at least the first two elements, and often also the third (in Sabino Cassese’s work, for example, there is often a degree of slippage between the terms “global administrative law” and simply “global law” – indeed, I on occasion have the impression that for him these two terms are largely interchangeable). The extent to which these need to be reconciled before GAL can become a discrete “field” of study is, of course, an open question.

A third theme, and one that I addressed in my own paper, and was picked up by Tiago and Neil Walker, was that of the relationship between GAL and “global” constitutionalism. Neil insisted – I think probably correctly – that a legitimate GAL can ultimately not afford to ignore the issue of the “constitutive moment” of the bodies that it seeks to regulate; and – again, probably correctly – that there is no need to think of GAL and constitutionalism as in competition (I would agree entirely on this point, despite the manner in which I sometimes present the issues: I would, however, insist that GAL and global constitutionalism are different and not necessarily complementary projects, and that the image of community ultimately implied in the latter need not inform the former). A general level of agreement was, I think, reached on the idea that while any future global constitutionalism would need a global administrative law, the inverse did not hold; and that there was no need to view GAL as in any way opposed to the deployment of constitutional discourse in particular postnational regimes.

Other key themes touched upon in the presentations and in the discussion was that of the concept of “law” that informs GAL (Nuhaile Carmouche did a good job of critically mapping the various contenders, while Matthias made a strong argument in favour of using a “refurbished” notion of legal positivism); the various ways in which GAL might – and might not – contribute to the increasing legitimacy of global regulatory governance; and of the need for GAL to actually result in tangible improvements in concrete cases if practitioners are going to take it at all seriously (Alan Miller’s contribution was particularly illuminating on this point).

Unfortunately, memory dictates that I will have to stop at that point, which even I find entirely unsatisfactory given the amount of rich discussion that this brief recollection has omitted – particularly in terms of the more concrete papers (relating to investment arbitration, cultural heritage, etc; Jared Hepburn, for example, made an intriguing argument as to the interaction between the global and domestic levels in the interpretation of “fair and equitable treatment” in investment disputes). In any event, congratulations to the organisers on putting together a first-rate symposium; and I very much hope to get a chance to read the assorted presentations in more detail in the not-too-distant future. Again, if anyone present wants to add to or correct this account, please do leave a comment below!

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